FAQs + Policies
Neurotoxins are ideal for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles caused by dynamic muscle movement such as facial expressions. Neurotoxins used at Cameo Facial Aesthetics include Botox® Cosmetic and Dysport®.
Dermal fillers are a gel product (usually consisting of hyaluronic acid) that smooth lines, restore volume, and contour the face. Typically, dermal fillers are used to smooth static facial lines (lines present when there is no muscle movement).
- Between the eyebrows (“11 lines”) or the glabellar muscle complex.
- Horizontal forehead lines or the Frontalis muscle.
- Around the eyes (“Crow’s Feet”) or the orbicularis oculi muscle.
There are several other areas of the face that neurotoxins treat:
- Eyebrows (lift)
- Nose (“Bunny lines”)
- Gummy smile
- Upper lip (“Lip Flip”)
- Chin (texture improvement)
- Downward turned smile
- Masseters, the muscles used to chew, for TMJ related symptoms like grinding or clenching; also causes facial slimming
- Platysmal Bands (necklines)
You can expect to see results within 3-5 days and maximum results by 10-14 days after your treatment.
Neurotoxin treatment should last approximately 90 days.
Among the most common areas treated with dermal fillers include:
- Cheeks
- Lips
- Smile lines (nasolabial folds)
- Mid-face volume loss
- Chin
Dermal filler can last anywhere from 6-24 months, depending on the product used.
Sculptra is an FDA-approved bio-stimulatory filler that helps to gradually replace lost collagen in the deep dermis layer of the skin, working to revitalize and restore the skin’s inner structure and volume.
Results appear gradually after 2-3 treatment sessions and typically last 2-5 years.
Cameo Facial Aesthetics is Physician-Assistant owned, offering expertise in injectable treatments and medical-grade skincare. Cameo is a leader in the medical aesthetics industry, with many years of experience and elite training. At Cameo, we have created a safe and welcoming environment for all women and men seeking facial enhancement.
- Stay upright for 4-6 hours. Do not lie flat or bend forward during this time.
- Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours after treatment.
- Do not have a facial or back massage within 48 hours.
- Avoid tight hats/headbands for 24-48 hours.
- Do not massage or rub the injection sites.
- Wash your face gently post-treatment.
- Avoid the following treatments lasers, radiofrequency microneedling, IPLs, microneedling, and acupuncture for 10 days post-treatment.
- A small percentage of patients will get a minor headache following their treatments.
- Apply ice 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off for 24-48 hours. (At Cameo, we will send you home with a reusable ice pack).
- Take oral supplements that reduce swelling and minimize bruising, such as Arnica and Bromelain.
- Avoid blood-thinning medications, including ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, aspirin, and fish oil for 24-48 hours.
- Avoid alcohol intake for 24-48 hours.
- Tylenol can be taken to minimize any tenderness.
- Antihistamines can be taken to reduce swelling (Claritin, Zyrtec, or Benadryl).
- An anaphylactic allergy to milk (Dysport).
- An anaphylactic allergy to eggs (Botox Cosmetic).
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
- A history of neurological diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis and ALS.
Cancellation Policy: Appointments must be canceled with 24 hours notice. If an appointment is canceled with less than 24 hours notice, a $100 cancellation fee will apply.
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